
The Rise of Fear

The Rise of Fear

Underneath all of this hatred and vitriol is a fear that those we have harmed desire to bring the same harm to us. That we will get what we deserve. It’s an essential lack of faith in the humanity of others because we have been so inhumane.

What to do with a failed coup -Truth & Reconciliation

What to do with a failed coup -Truth & Reconciliation

Restorative justice is hard, intimidating. We are used to a retributive model, wherein crimes are punished, criminals become marked as separate, and punishment is harsh. We have dallied in this country with some rehabilitative justice models, and those are of course more effective than the retributive, but less politically popular, rarely fully funded, and still missing the mark.

The Journeys of Christmas Part II

The Journeys of Christmas Part II

The most frequent phrase in scripture is “Be not afraid” and it always precedes the messages of God. It is spoken hundreds of times by God’s angles and prophets throughout the stories of God and God’s people.

This is not an accident or a coincidence. This isn’t a joke or a baseless wish. This is actually the entire point.

Making Space for Slowness

Making Space for Slowness

my mom started getting up at five am, to give her extra time in the day for her. Only for her. She developed a ritual of prayer, scripture reading, journaling, and body movement that she did alone and in silence each morning until her death. When truly alone in the house, she added song to her routine.

Citizen Christian V: Christian Nationalism

Citizen Christian V: Christian Nationalism

Christian Nationalism is an obscenity, and unconstitutional if not at least ideologically treasonous. But the uncomfortable truth is that this isn’t new, it is NOT of Trump and his ilk, and has been a problem for all of our national history. For the most part, we are perfectly comfortable with our polite versions of Christian Nationalism, and they are just as divisive