Sacred Water

Water in Memphis Part III

Water in Memphis Part III

I know most of the country felt horrified and helpless as Flint, MI, went without a safe water supply for years. YEARS. And even now, the lead pipes remain a clear and present danger to the populations they serve. We rarely think about where the water in our ubiquitous bottled water comes from, but much of it is essentially stolen by mega corporations like Nestle and Coca Cola. You can walk into your local convenience store right now and buy water bottled from Las Vegas’ municipal supply. Las Vegas. A desert city.

Water in Memphis -News Alert!

Water in Memphis -News Alert!

Last week, the primary bridge over the Mississippi River between Arkansas and Tennessee was shut down due to a crack all the way through a structural beam. Repairs will take months, and the impact on national shipping will be felt for much longer. Much of the 50,000 daily vehicle average over the bridge is I-40 East-West long haul shipping truck traffic. The southern riverbarge traffic was also affected, although the Coast Guard opened the lanes on Friday.

Water in Memphis, Part II

Water in Memphis, Part II

Many things matter to me, and I am vocal in several spheres. But it is articulating and uplifting the moral voice in the care of Creation that makes up most of my work. I believe that we who live in that world are ideally placed to help us transform and shift as a culture into one that can thrive in a world of radical global change.

Water in Memphis Part I

Water in Memphis Part I

I grew up on the Mississippi River, in Memphis, TN. Water does not only form our western border, water is all over the city itself. The Wolf River winds its way into the Mississippi here, and small streams and creeks are woven throughout the neighborhoods. Much of the city’s storm runoff system is made up of these water channels reinforced with structure and drains.