Tools for the Journey

Actions of Moving Inward

Actions of Moving Inward

It occurs to me this kind of writing -journaling, purge letters, freeform- is internal communication. Even when our guesses at behavior and responses be pretty much on point, it’s all still projection, supposition. So why not lean into this? Why not use writing as a way to reach inward, connect with our own selves? Any one of those methods I mentioned earlier would be effective, each serving different needs.

Monday Message on its last Thursday

For the last two and a half years, I and other members and guests of the Collective have been blogging on Thursdays. Last Spring, this Thursday blog became my primary writing space and I have loved the discipline of the weekly writing.

I am making the shift to offering a Monday Message, with some thoughts about starting the week and more of the musings on life that have been my primary content.

There won’t be a blog post this week beyond this message, and I urge you to check in on Monday morning as I return to Practices of Slowness and Tools for the Journey. Also, please follow the ‘subscribe’ links on our homepage to sign up for my upcoming newsletter.

With gratitude,

-Rev. Jess

Journeys and Clearings

Journeys and Clearings

What is important here is that we stop striving for thresholds and finish lines. There is no magic door through which you pass and all things are made well. There is no reward or prize around a hidden corner. The gifts and lessons and miracles are found on the path, in the journey itself.

Bread Crumbs & Lanterns

Bread Crumbs & Lanterns

I have been twisted into knots over hypocrisy, making it difficult to see the bridges between dissonances that others are already starting to build. Nothing aborts change faster than contempt, the close cousin for me when I start tallying these double standard metrics.