Reclaiming Our Humanity -Thoughts on Pause

Reclaiming Our Humanity -Thoughts on Pause

This little blurb introduces a blog series on Reclaiming our Humanity. This series stands as my own response to myself, and recent posts I have written naming various ills and evils of our world. I began with broad strokes in “The Trifecta of Evil” and picked apart 3 specific issues, and then I started delving into power here and here. I formally started in April, and you can read that first post here.

It’s annoying that the world interjects itself into my musings. Over the last period in which I’ve tried to articulate salient thoughts on systems, we’ve had two shocking mass shootings and a few more smaller ones, reproductive rights are under threat nationally, and my own life underwent a huge upheaval. And at each turn throughout these twists, I have run smack into the various systems at play. A radical clash between our understandings of the criminal justice system and our judicial system, and the differences. Arcane rules of requirement for valid identification and arbitrary ones for travel. Legislative processes bogged down by bribes and lobbies.

I and mine surfed these system waves like pros, but this week I am playing catch up, and really just have this to say…

We will be well served to more deeply understand the systems around us, how we encounter them, what we can do to affect them. We must engage the powers in order to transform them, we must engage the powers to recall them to their highest purposes. We must stand free of their control over us, the use of fear and momentum, expectation and convention, to dictate our behavior. For we have all we need to build generative and life-giving systems.