
Dear Governor Polis - Support SB 21-200

Dear Jared Polis (1).png

Join us on May 29 to make our voices heard on the need to pass SB 21-200 to fight climate change in Colorado:


Dear Governor Polis,

I am writing to express my concern and confusion over your threats to veto Senate Bill 21-200, Reduce Greenhouse Gases, Increase Environmental Justice. This bill seeks to ensure our transition to renewable energy through a lens of environmental justice by requiring the Air Quality Control Commission to enforce existing parameters, and bringing our statewide utilities into alignment with reducing greenhouse gases.

A veto would be a disappointing action, sir. Senate Bill 200 is going through a thorough process in our Colorado Statehouse. It has been heard by committees, testimony has been given, it has been debated in open session. It was crafted to align with the exact parameters established in your office’s Climate Roadmap. And you, our Governor, threaten a veto? A veto would work against the will of the people, the protection of Creation, and the care of those most deeply affected by the deleterious effects of pollution and climate change.

Already, you have not done due diligence in supporting the enforcement of groundbreaking state legislation passed in 2019. Rather than develop a scheme to implement the laws passed by our legislature, your office released a Climate Roadmap Plan in early 2021 that is without sufficient enforcement mechanisms but establishes reasonable goals.

Governor Polis, you ran for office on the promise that you would be an environmental champion and leader in moving our state to a green economy. Explicitly, you vowed to bring us to 100% renewable energy by 2040. You had a decent environmental record while representing us in Congress, and were always highly rated by the League of Conservation Voters.

But as Governor, you have not upheld your promises to the voters or those you made to Creation itself. I urge a change of heart. As a person of faith, I know that transformation is possible, that a hardened heart can be broken open. I urge you, Governor Polis, to choose a vibrant healthy life through a transformation of our energy systems, and to support the hard and good work done by our state Legislature. 

Thank you,

Rev. Jessica Abell